
Publisher: Clarence L. Jordan [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Letter to the Christians in Atlanta or First Corinthians 
Letter to the Hebrews Or a First-Century Manual for Church Renewal in the Koinonia "Cotton Patch" Version, The 
Year: 1963 
Letters From Partners Rock, Jack & Joe (I & II Peter, I, II, & III John & Jude) 
Year: 1969 
Letters to Ephesians and Philemon 
Letters to God's People in Columbus (Colossians) and Selma (I & II Thessalonians) in the Koinonia "Cotton Patch" Version 
Letters to the Georgia Convention (Galatians) and to the Alabaster African Church (Philippians) 
Letters to Young Christians (I & II Timothy and Titus) 
Second Letter to the Christians in Atlanta or Second Corinthians in the Koinonia "Cotton Patch" Version, A 
To God's People in Washington (Romans) 
Year: 1968